Article I: Name
The name of this faculty and staff organization at Texas A&M University shall be the Women Administrators Network. The network is recognized and supported in part by the office of the Dean of Faculties and Associate Provost.
Article II: Purpose
The goal of the Women Administrators Network is to facilitate the professional development of its members through the creation and strengthening of opportunities for networking, mentoring, education, and communication. The objectives are as follows:
- To create an inviting and nurturing environment for new women administrators;
- To give women administrators an avenue to socialize and network with other Texas A&M administrators;
- To advocate policy propositions and recommendations that express the sentiments of the Women Administrators Network membership on issues relevant to its mission.
The Women Administrators Network offers an opportunity for discussions and networking on issues relevant to women in administrative roles across the university, bringing together faculty and non-faculty from the academic, operational, and Student Affairs perspectives for engaged learning and sharing. Discussions generally center on challenges found in department and college level issues in leadership and decision making.
The group recognizes the importance of helping to develop potential for future women administrators and opens most of its events to anyone at Texas A&M University that is interested in a future career in an administrative role, even if one is not already holding an administrative title.
Article III: Membership
Membership is open to anyone employed by or affiliated with Texas A&M University’s College Station campus who is willing to endorse, embrace, and actively pursue the purposes of the organization.
An individual is recognized as a member of the Women Administrators Network through the payment of annual dues. Members shall have the right to vote in elections and on issues brought before the Women Administrators Network, participate on committees, and serve as the organization’s representative.
Article IV: Officers
The Steering Committee will be composed of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Past Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
A new Chair-Elect and Secretary shall be elected by the membership at the end of the Spring academic semester, to officially take office with the beginning of the next academic year. After serving a year as Chair-Elect, the individual will take over as Chair. After serving a year as Chair, the individual will step down into an advisory or assisting role as Past Chair for one more year.
The Chair shall convene and preside over all meetings and oversee any voting matters.
The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the member rosters and email lists up to date, preparing minutes from business meetings, and reporting to the membership the results on any voting matters.
The Chair, Past Chair, Chair-elect, and Secretary will serve as a Steering Committee and will be cooperatively responsible for communicating with the membership on important issues, working with the Dean of Faculties office in maintaining and updating content on the organization website, and developing networking and programming opportunities consistent with the purpose of the organization.
The Treasurer will be appointed by the Chair to manage the network’s bank account. This will include depositing, disbursal, and statement reconciliation of all funds collected or spent on behalf of the Women Administrators Network. The Treasurer will be the receiving address for all bank/credit union communications relating the account. To minimize unnecessary paperwork, the Treasurer may be appointed for consecutive years.
The Steering Committee shall have the authority to appoint additional committee members as necessary and appropriate to carry out the mission and activities of the Women Administrators Network. Such members can be appointed from the general membership of the Women Administrators Network.
In the event that the position of Chair goes vacant, the Past Chair will step into the role until the end of the current academic year, at which point the Chair-Elect will assume the position of Chair. If the Chair-Elect or Secretary positions go vacant and a runner-up candidate is available from the previous election cycle, this individual will assume the vacated position. If a runner-up candidate is not available to serve, the Chair will call for a special election to fill the position mid-year.
Opposition to the purpose and mission of the Women Administrators Network, and behavior indicating such opposition, shall be grounds for dismissal. Any officer may be removed by a majority vote of the membership, following a petition for a vote that is signed by any 10 voting members.
Article V: Development of Policy Recommendations
Any voting member of the Women Administrators Network may propose that a policy issue recommendation be placed before the membership for its consideration for adoption. Such a proposal must be presented in writing or email to the Chair, who will place it on the agenda for the next scheduled meeting of the Steering Committee.
Proposals shall be evaluated by the Steering Committee with regard to their relevance to the mission of the Women Administrators Network. Proposals deemed relevant shall be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the entire membership. Proposals may be modified during open meetings in accordance with normal parliamentary procedure. Those passed by a majority of the voting members attending shall become the official policy of the Women Administrators Network.
In the event that a proposal is not deemed relevant by the Steering Committee, any ten (10) voting members of the Women Administrators Network can override this decision and by petition direct the Steering Committee to place the proposal on the agenda of the next general membership meeting. The chair shall have the responsibility of forwarding recommendations to the appropriate administrative office of Texas A&M University or other appropriate body as the expressed sentiment of the Women Administrators Network.
Article VI: Dues
Annual dues will be determined at the first meeting of each academic year.
Article VII: Amendment of Constitution
This Constitution may be amended by a vote of majority vote of the membership. The general scope of the changes will be discussed with an opportunity for the membership to provide feedback on proposals, either in a meeting or via electronic means, prior to being submitted for vote.
Voting can be done using electronic medium, such as survey software or via email. A non-response to the proposed change can be interpreted as a consent vote. Balloting will be open for 10 working days.
Any individual(s) proposing constitutional changes shall be responsible for notifying the Chair far enough in advance that the Steering Committee can reasonably be expected to coordinate the notification of membership.
Proposed amended draft, August 4, 2010. Approved by the membership, September 23, 2010.